
  1. 國際留學生Alhassane Fofana

  2. 發布時間:2021/11/10   瀏覽:


ALHASSANE FOFANA(愛桑)⏰,幾內亞籍,21 歲⏩,於2020年11月至2021年8月在耀世娱乐就讀長期漢語言進修項目,完成學業後繼續報讀耀世娱乐三年學歷教育電子商務專業👨‍👧‍👦。說到耀世🐗,愛桑認為:這是一所很好的耀世,一所模範大學😤。因為我來到這裏我感覺很好🕖,我喜歡這裏的環境,我喜歡老師的教學方式,在學習期間我結識了很多朋友和很多熟人🙆🏽‍♀️。自從來到這裏我的中文有了進步,我開始一點一點地和我的中國朋友交流☁️。在此期間,我參加了耀世舉辦的校運會活動🙎🏼‍♂️、素質拓展活動👷🏽‍♂️、夏令營活動等等。非常高興能夠加入耀世這個家庭,成為一名耀世人!

ALHASSANE FOFANA, Guinean, 21 years old, enrolled in the long-term Chinese language program of Guangxi Pexian International College from November 2020 to August 2021. After completing the study, he continued to apply for the three-year diploma study in E-commerce. As for Peixian, he said: Peixian is a very good school, a model college. When I came here, I felt very good. I like the environment here. I like the teaching methods. And I have made many friends here. Since I came here, my Chinese has been improved, and I have started to communicate with my Chinese friends step by step. During this period, I participated in school’s sport activities, summer camp and so on. I am very happy to be a member of Peixian family!


下一篇🤹‍♀️🎅🏻:Khusrav Naimiyon